
-Kalaheo Elementary-

Kalaheo Elementary School lessons on symbolism

2021 - 2023

In this ongoing workshop , students in Kindergarten and First grade engage in an exploration of storytelling through symbols.  This workshop is integrated into the DOE english curriculum and integrates literacy through the arts.

Students begin by viewing the "Art in Public Places" sculpture Talk to ME

The students begin the assignment by viewing and discussing the symbolism in the Art in Public Places sculpture "Talk to ME" by artist Wayne Zebzda, located on  campus.  It is a sculpture that students interact with daily, yet rarely  give thought to its meaning.   "Talk to ME" was created from drawings by Kalaheo Elementary School children.  Students developed a language of symbols, some obvious and others more personal like a secret code.  These  symbols were then combined to form a sculptural collage communicating many levels of meaning to the viewer.  

The student interprets their personal written narrative by creating  symbols using a water resistent marker on transparent velum.

Students then use watercolor paint to enhance their symbols in colorful display.  These will be turned into lanterns for our parade.

Students use foam to create their symbols in 3 dimensions and then glue them to a printing plate that will be used to create a gigantic floor mural.

The printing plate is attached to the roller and mural painting can begin.  The mural will be turned into a dragon for our parade.

The students had a great time experiencing their stories come to life as a giant floor mural and lantern parade.

GIANT floor mural

Mural detail

Group share after the lantern parade

In 2023 students addes a dragon component using the floor mural

Engineering the dragon

Dragon head!

Engineering the body

Test driving the dragon

Final pose with dragon and lanterns